Professional Teeth Whitening in McKinney, TX
A White Smile In Just One Visit
Professional Teeth Whitening in McKinney - McKinney Dentist Dentist in McKinney

Professional Teeth Whitening

Affordable Teeth Whitening in McKinney TX

If you’re dissatisfied with the color of your teeth, you’ve probably attempted to whiten them yourself. Over-the-counter whitening strips, brightening toothpaste, and home remedies like oil pulling or baking soda. While all these options may subtly brighten your stained teeth, most patients don’t see the results they desire using these methods. Your best solution to brighten your teeth, and have the results last long-term, is professional teeth whitening from a qualified cosmetic dentist!

No other teeth whitening solution provides instantaneous and dramatic results in just a few hours as that of our professional teeth whitening services in McKinney, TX. The professional-grade bleaching agents found in our whitening solutions soak deep into your tooth enamel, to remove internal as well as surface-level stains. Additionally, most patients report that they did not experience any tooth or gum sensitivity during or after their whitening session. Our cosmetic dentist helps you choose the most complementary shade and monitor your treatment for the best possible results. Generally, if you maintain a good oral hygiene routine, professional cleanings, and minimize teeth-staining foods and beverages, your teeth have the potential to remain noticeably white long-term. Our team at Stonelodge Dental offers affordable, office-based teeth whitening in McKinney, TX with professional-grade bleaching agents that can brighten your teeth multiple shades lighter in just one visit to our office.

Comparing Teeth Whitening Solutions

Professional Teeth Whitening in McKinney TX

Professional teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures our patients choose and for good reason. This solution has numerous benefits that other methods can’t offer. Over-the-counter whitening strips may work for some time, but often cause tooth and gum sensitivity and wear down the tooth enamel if used too often. Home remedies, such as baking soda, activated charcoal, and whitening toothpaste may show minimal changes in tooth color but are often abrasive and can result in enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity as well. In almost all cases with these methods, results may take weeks or even months to show, and even then, they may be minimal.

Professional Teeth Whitening in McKinney - McKinney Dentist Dentist in McKinney
Professional Teeth Whitening in McKinney - McKinney Dentist Dentist in McKinney

Comparing Teeth Whitening Solutions

Professional Teeth Whitening in McKinney TX

Professional teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures our patients choose and for good reason. This solution has numerous benefits that other methods can’t offer. Over-the-counter whitening strips may work for some time, but often cause tooth and gum sensitivity and wear down the tooth enamel if used too often. Home remedies, such as baking soda, activated charcoal, and whitening toothpaste may show minimal changes in tooth color but are often abrasive and can result in enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity as well. In almost all cases with these methods, results may take weeks or even months to show, and even then, they may be minimal.

Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening

Your McKinney Teeth Whitening Dentist

Quick treatment (generally one hour)

Instantaneous and dramatic results

Little-to-no tooth or gum sensitivity

No messy or abrasive products

White shade customized to you

advantages of professional teeth whitening - McKinney Dentist Dentist in McKinney

Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening

Your McKinney Teeth Whitening Dentist

Quick treatment (generally one hour)

Instantaneous and dramatic results

Little-to-no tooth or gum sensitivity

No messy or abrasive products

White shade customized to you

Dr. Ernesto Prida - the McKinney dentist - McKinney Dentist Dentist in McKinney

Dr Ernesto Prida

Cosmetic Dentist and General Dentist located in McKinney, TX

Dr. Prida's passion is to not only provide patients with excellent services but also crafting an aesthetically beautiful smile for each person. Since he graduated from dental school, Dr. Prida began to advance his knowledge in cosmetic dental treatments and continued education in dentistry. As a general dentist, Dr. Prida performs regular teeth cleanings and diagnoses problems that patients have with pain and oral health.

Call the McKinney Dentist at 214-613-1500 for your dental appointment! Delivering results, you can smile about!


Stonelodge Dental

The McKinney Dentist

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Stonelodge Dental