7 Possible causes of tooth pain

7 Possible causes of tooth pain

Have you ever asked yourself “Why do I causes of tooth pain for no real reason?” There are a number of different things that can cause tooth pain. Some can be addressed on your own while others will require a trip to your dentist. Below are some of the common possible causes of your tooth pain.

Jaw clenching

One of the leading causes of tooth pain is clenching. Jaw clenching is an excessive clenching of your jaws, which can be accompanied by teeth grinding. Many people grind their teeth at night without realizing it to cope with stress and anger. When you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, your teeth are having to bear pressure that they are not meant to endure. Over time can cause your teeth to ache or even become loose.

Sinus infection

A sinus infection (sinusitis) can cause your teeth to ache. Pain in the upper back teeth is a common symptom with sinus conditions. The sinuses are pairs of empty spaces in your skull connected to the nasal cavity. If you have tooth pain and are feeling stuffy, you may have sinusitis. You should go to your doctor to receive the proper treatment.


During pregnancy, your gum changes, making it sensitive, bleeding while brushing or floss can also occur, causing tooth pain. While you are pregnant you are more prone to getting cavities. Pay close attention to your dental health during your pregnancy, and you may want to see your dentist during this time.

You have recently whitened your teeth

Some teeth whiteners can cause tooth pain. Tooth sensitivity can begin two to three days after starting a whitening treatment. Depending on your teeth, the tooth sensitivity could go away after just a few days or may last longer. Whitening your teeth can lead to your gums feeling irritated, too. If you are experiencing a lot of pain while undergoing whitening treatment, consult your general dentist. They may suggest you stop the treatment or switch to a whitening agent that is gentler on your teeth.

Your gums are receding

If you have gum pain, swollen gums, or increased tooth sensitivity, particularly along the gum line, you may be experiencing gum recession. This oral health problem can lead to other issues down the road, including increased tooth decay, sensitive teeth, and even tooth loss. Receding gums can be the result of brushing too hard over a long period of time, or they can be a sign of something more serious like gum disease. If these symptoms accompany your tooth pain, make an appointment to see your dentist.

Eating too many acidic foods

Eating too many high acidic foods can damage the tooth enamel, which exposes the inner layer of your teeth. When the inner layer of your tooth is exposed, the nerve center is more exposed, which can lead to painful tooth sensitivity. These foods include things like citrus, soda, coffee, and sugary candies. When your tooth enamel is worn away, your teeth become more susceptible to painful tooth decay or nerve exposure. If you eat lot of acidic foods, cut back and try eating a more balanced diet to save yourself from unnecessary tooth pain.

You don’t drink enough water

At times, you may notice additional symptoms in tandem with dehydration. These may include: Tooth pain. Water washes away the leftover tooth debris stuck in your teeth after eating. In residential areas, the water is full of fluoride, which helps your teeth maintain their strength. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the protective enamel on our teeth gets thinner, or when our gums recede. Staying hydrated keeps you from experiencing the negative side effects of having a dry mouth. Drink more water to keep your teeth healthy and avoid tooth pain.

Make an appointment with the McKinney dentist

If you are experiencing any causes of tooth pain tooth pain or any other dental health issues, the McKinney dentist Dr. Ernesto Prida will use state-of-the-art dental technology to help you maintain your dental health. If your teeth are hurting, schedule an appointment with the McKinney dentist. Dr. Prida is committed to helping you and your family maintain excellent oral health for life. If questions about tooth pain,  schedule an appointment online or call Stonelodge Dental at 214-613-1500 today.

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